Puppy Pilates
in Suffolk
Ages 3-8 months
One statistic for you: 35% of ALL dogs from the age of 12 months are diagnosed with arthritis!
Just like human pilates, puppy pilates develops great core condition helping your puppy grow up mentally and physically strong. Puppy builds confidence and problem solving skills by exploring fun obstacles and are unaware they are even exercising at all. Exercises are science-backed, and classes are run under the watchful eye of a multi-award winning rehabilitation specialist.
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5 amazing treat recipes for all stages of your dogs life

Angela Day is a multi-award winning, Canine Rehabilitation Specialist, CCA Core Conditioning Coach and Clinical Massage Practitioner. She knows more than anyone what it takes to build your puppy a body that is prepared for all of life’s adventures.
Having additionally trained in core conditioning & fitness with the Canine Conditioning Academy, Angela has been teaching core conditioning for over 5 years with consistently impressive results.
Angela teaches puppy pilates in her quest to share her knowledge, and to bust the common myths and misconceptions about puppy exercise to prevent injury in very young dogs.
A member of the International Association of Animal Therapists and Institute of Registered Veterinary Animal Physiotherapists (MT), her advocacy for dog health and her passion is infectious. She ensures that your puppy gets the very best core foundation to promote health and vitality.
Why does my puppy need a healthy core?
One statistic for you: 35% of ALL dogs from the age of 12 months are diagnosed with arthritis!
I want to help you avoid or significantly delay the onset of orthopaedic conditions your puppy’s breed may be predisposed to.
Puppy Pilates encourages puppies to learn to move with balanced and correct movement which in turn helps those developing joints. Learning correct movement habits will result in fewer injuries and as a result, unnecessary vet bills.
It is a phenomenal way to bond with your dog, to improve their focus on you, and to complement any future training you enjoy.
PLUS it’s easy, gentle & great fun!
Erskine Centre, Chedburgh Bury St Edmunds.
Puppy Pilates (Core) Class Start dates:
Puppy Pilates (Core) Class Start dates:
6 Week Puppy Pilates Explorer CLASS £247
This 6 Week Core Foundation will give you the basics and exercises designed to set the bar for your puppy’s adventures ahead
After just 6 weeks in the Puppy Core Conditioning program, you’ll see positive changes in your puppy’s body, posture, gait, and overall well-being. The exercises are not only engaging but also scientifically backed, which gives you peace of mind. It’s a great introduction, but I can tell there’s so much more for you to learn and achieve.
12 Week Puppy Adventurer CLASS £467
This 12-week core Foundation will cement the basics.
When you reach the 12-week mark, the difference in your puppy is night and day.
Not only are the physical benefits apparent, but you’ll also notice a significant boost in their problem-solving skills and mental agility.
The course will deepen your understanding of puppy exercise, and you’ll feel more confident in supporting your puppy’s ongoing development.
16 week PUPPY pilates Navigator CLASS £578
By the end of the 16-week course, it will feel like you’ve hit a major milestone. Your puppy will be thriving with enhanced mental and physical capabilities. The training will become a part of your lifestyle, deepening a stronger bond between you and your puppy. When you think back to day 1 you’ll be so proud the progress you’ve made, and it will be clear that this more comprehensive approach has paid dividends.
36 week puppy pioneer program £1235
Musculoskeletal development is fast-paced in these early months.
Let me take you on the ultimate conditioning journey.
Completing the 36-week program is a transformative experience. Your puppy’s development in body, core strength, mental acuity, problem-solving skills, movement, and posture will be impressive.
Together we’ll set a strong foundation for a healthy, active life. Staying the course will offer continuous growth and a deep sense of accomplishment.
You’ll be incredibly proud of puppy’s achievements, thanks to your dedication to this extensive program.
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Can't i just buy an out of the box course?
Of course you can do this
1. For safety reasons all dogs should have a watchful, expert eye on them at all times during conditioning classes. This ensures the muscles are not overworking and that the movement being developed is correct for that puppy.
Who better than an award winning Canine Rehabilitation Specialist with consistent and measurable results.
2. No two dogs are the same. There can be variations in breed, age, lifestyle, and habits. Your core instructor should be aware of all the nuances that make your puppy unique by ensuring that exercise plans are designed to make them body ready for the life you’ve planned for them.
After the 8 Explorer course can I upgrade?
Yes, of course you can do this
We can chat nearer the time about the what next, but if there is space available and you’d like to upgrade to build on your foundations you I would love that.
is this class just for sport/working dogs?
No, this class is an inclusive class that’s suitable for dogs of all ages from working/sport dogs to pet dogs.
I adapt exercise plans to individually suit your dog’s breed, lifestyle, and ability.
I coach dogs from 18 months to 14 years, from those with no issues to those diagnosed with arthritis and hip dysplasia. In every case, when the plan has been followed as set, I’ve witnessed the most incredible changes.
If you are unsure as to whether or not your dog can participate please contact me to discuss your options.
what do i bring to class?
You will need plenty of whatever you use to reward your dog for a good job done! (Treats or toys or praise)
Bring a water bowl and some water and a pen.
If you normally use a harness please bring a collar and lead for your puppy to work on.
Bring a mat for your puppy to settle on while we set up and during rest periods.
Bring whatever else makes you and your dog comfortable.
will my Puppy be working on lead?
All puppies work on a collar and lead rather than in harness.
Decisions to move to offlead are based on size and excitement level of the puppy.
Puppies remain on lead in class at least for the first 4 weeks until we establish emotional balance in the room. I find that after this time puppies are usually only interested in their owners because the energy in the room is calm and focussed.
The most important thing is to keep all puppies safe within the training environment.
Do you need to see my puppy's vaccination certificate?
Yes please.
Safety first is my motto. I need your class to be a safe space for both yours and others puppies.
If you choose to titre your puppy I’ll need to see that too.
will i have any homework?
You will do your exercises twice a week.
We keep the sessions short with class breaks – you’ll do the same at home.
My goal is for you to “see” the potential to perform puppys exercises everywhere you go on walks – I would love for your dog to do exercises over branches around trees, you’ll get creative …
Remember our key focus is safe and fun training.
Do I need expensive equipment?
Many people opt to buy a set of 10 cones and poles.
However, the beauty of this programme is that you can improvise with whatever you may have laying around at home or in the garden.